Training Events
MyPlus are thought leaders in disability and employment, with expertise in student recruitment. Our training events are an integral part of how we support employability and careers staff to become knowledgeable and confident in their ability to provide the expert careers support and advice that their students with disabilities and long term health conditions require.
Our events provide practical advice and guidance, as well as valuable insights which will enable you to better support your students to manage their disability through the recruitment process and into employment. In addition, our events provide networking opportunities with other institutions and student employers looking to make progress in this challenging space.
"Thank you so much for another great session….I always get something new from your sessions, despite now feeling quite experienced in this area of work."
Marielle Treavis, Careers Consultant, Notthingham Trent University
"I found the webinar thoroughly interesting and informative, it being suitable for both new and experienced academics and careers staff. It was an opportunity to refresh and reflect upon existing knowledge and understanding of such an important subject matter"
Ceri Lewis, Employability & Placements Officer, University of Leeds
"Helen, as always, was great at presenting and facilitating the session and drawing out comments from the participants."
Catherine Alexander; Careers Consultant; University of Cambridge
"It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions."
Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement, Kings College London

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Wednesday 26th January 2022, 10.00am – 11.15am
Recruitment processes are designed to be challenging and competitive, however for those with a disability they can be impossible without appropriate support and adjustments. Asking for support can be difficult for candidates, even though employers not only expect, but are also equipped, to do so.
By understanding more about the types of support that employers can offer, and how students can most effectively engage with employers to request and access this support, those providing employability and careers advice will increase the chances of their disabled students successfully transitioning into employment. In addition, they will help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety associated with requesting support and help to build confidence.
This webinar will enable delegates to:
- Build an understanding of support and adjustments available during the recruitment process
- Explore the roles and responsibilities of student and employer in implementing support
- Confidently advise students on how and when to request support during the recruitment process
- Explore real-life recruitment adjustment scenarios
This webinar will be delivered by Helen Cooke, CEO and Founder of MyPlus; it will be run as an interactive event with plenty of opportunities for discussion and to ask questions.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for five complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50. To book your places please contact Becky Hill: becky@myplusconsulting.com
The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate, to book your place please click on the "Book your place" button below.
Helen’s session offered insightful knowledge borne from her wide experience of engaging with employers that will certainly add to the skills and advice of practitioners and student advisors in further and higher education.
– Ian Carter; Director,
National Association of Disability PractitionersÂ
Helen is an engaging presenter with lived experience who clearly articulates her message.
– Vicky Walsh; Business Leader,
Uniting Employment Services & School Leaver Employment Supports
Helen is an energised and thoroughly engaging presenter. Her point of difference is that she is a positive and powerful role model. Helen uses her own lived experiences of disability and examples from the students she coaches, to unpack many practical examples on how to build disability confidence, address discrimination and self-advocate to gain employment.
– Susan Beard; National Disability Coordination Officer Program,
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A virtual breakfast seminar hosted by MyPlus
Thursday 7th December 2021, 10.00am – 11.15am
Applying for jobs is complex, challenging and time consuming for all applicants as they consider how to present themselves, what information to include and what examples to draw upon to demonstrate the required competencies / strengths.
However, for the 15% of students in UK Universities, this process becomes even more complicated since they often have further considerations that are associated with their disability or health condition. Understanding these is crucial for employers wishing to attract individuals with disabilities to your organization and provide appropriate support through the recruitment process.
To enable you to build your understanding, this Breakfast Seminar will provide you with the opportunity to speak with a number of students and recent graduates who will talk from lived experience about their disability and the impact it has had on their studies, extra-curricular activities and their thoughts regards applying for jobs and transitioning into employment.
This Breakfast Seminar will also remind employers of the abilities, skills and strengths that individuals often develop as they manage their disability on a day to day basis; attributes such as resilience, problem solving and flexibility that are an asset in the workplace.
o  Disability in the workplace
Helen Cooke, Director, My Plus Consulting, will start the seminar by sharing some insights and observations
o  First-hand experience
Individuals will share their personal experiences of having a disability and their thoughts and concerns about transitioning into the workplace.
 o  Discussion
This is the opportunity for delegates to discuss in more depth what they have heard and to consider the implications on how they attract, recruit, support and develop graduates with disabilities.
MyPlus Universities’ Club members are entitled to 2 complimentary places at any 2 Recruiters’ club events. Additional places may be purchased at a reduced rate of £50 + VAT
Contact lise@myplusconsulting.com to purchase places.
MyPlus run a variety of these types of events for employers. For details of the different types visit our events page. For details of forthcoming Recruiters’ Club events taking place visit our events calendar page.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Tuesday 30th November 2021, 10.00am – 11.00am
Key reasons that students go to university are that they either wish to pursue a particular career or to help them to get a better job than they would have done if they hadn’t gone. The same is true for disabled students yet it remains considerably harder for them to find employment upon graduating than for their non-disabled counterparts.
The reasons for this are many and varied however key is that students are lacking the employability skills that employers demand.
To develop employability skills, individuals need to immerse themselves in all aspects of university life and take positions of responsibility; develop leadership skills, show initiative, etc. This will involve students joining clubs and societies, volunteering, gaining work experience and developing the skills required to successfully navigate recruitment processes. However, if you lack confidence, combined with the added challenge of managing your disability, getting involved can seem impossible.
To address this issue, stakeholders from across the institution must all understand the specific challenges facing disabled students as they transition from education to employment and be in a position to support them with accurate information, expert resources and tailored advice.
During this webinar, delegates will:
- Understand the student voice:
- Why disabled students are not fully immersing themselves in university life and the impact on transitioning into employment
- Understand how best to manage student expectations:
- By developing your own knowledge of the main concerns that disabled students have when applying for a job
- Challenge their assumptions of what is possible for disabled students
- Understand how you can change practice
The workshop will be delivered by Helen Cooke, CEO of MyPlus and will provide the delegates with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss the key issues.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for five complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50. The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A virtual workshop hosted by MyPlus
Thursday 4th November 2021, 10.00am – 11.15am
Employers increasingly recognise the importance of providing support for all of their employees to enable them to unlock their potential and perform fully in their role. However, knowing what types of support and adjustments to provide for those with a disability isn’t always clear. And neither is knowing how to source them and how they will actually work in practice.
This workshop will explore the many and varied support options and adjustments that people can, and do, benefit from both during the recruitment process and in the workplace. In addition, delegates will also build their understanding about the implementation process and have the opportunity to work through some real-life examples.
There will also be the opportunity to hear from both employers who have implemented a range of adjustments and from individuals who have benefited from them.
The workshop will be delivered in an interactive style and will provide the delegates with plenty of opportunity to ask questions. The format will also enable delegates to learn from others and to share best practice.
- Understanding ‘reasonable adjustments’
- Policy, process and practice
- Adjustments during the recruitment process:
- The adjustment process
- Practical scenarios
- Real life examples
- Adjustments in the workplace
- The adjustment process
- Real life examples
MyPlus Universities’ Club members are entitled to 2 complimentary places at all Recruiters’ club events. Additional places may be purchased at a reduced rate of £50 + VAT
Non-members may purchase places at a price of £95 + VAT.
Contact lise@myplusconsulting.com to purchase places.
Workshops are a practical training session designed to upskill individuals working in the disability space. Run by Helen Cooke, CEO and Founder of MyPlus and expert in disability recruitment, the sessions focus on different aspects of graduate recruitment and disabilities. Suitable as an introduction or refresher, these are appropriate for those involved in the recruitment process.
MyPlus run a variety of events for employers. For details of the different types visit our events page. For details of forthcoming Recruiters’ Club events taking place visit our events calendar page.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A virtual disability cafe hosted by MyPlus
Thursday 16th September 2021, 10.00am – 12.00pm
This rise in poor mental health amongst students remains a hot topic for employers since these students are bright, hard-working and ambitious and provide a unique talent pool. In order for them to succeed both during the recruitment process, which is becoming ever more competitive, and in the workplace, employers must be able to provide the support they require to flourish and recognise their duty of care.
To successfully do this employers need not only to understand the pressures and anxieties that are experienced in the transition from education to employment but also provide the support required to enable individuals to excel in the tough environments that they will invariably find themselves in.
During this Café, experts will shed light on this complex subject and help us to understand more about ‘mental health’ including the potential causes of poor mental health amongst young people and the challenges individuals face both in terms of being open about their mental health with potential employers and requesting the support they require.
We will also look at what employers can do, and are doing, to reduce the stigma that exists around mental health, and how they can encourage openness amongst their employees enabling them to provide the required levels of support. And individuals will share their own experiences, including the support they have accessed through their employer and the importance of networks and mental health allies.
In attending this Café, you will learn more about the subject of mental ill health and in doing so take another step to remove the negativity, fear and silence that exists around this subject. It will build your confidence to have relevant conversations with your applicants and employees, enabling them to have the support they require to excel in their role
MyPlus Universities’ Club members are entitled to 2 complimentary places at any 2 Recruiters’ club events. Additional places may be purchased at a reduced rate of £50 + VAT
Non-members may purchase places at a price of £95 + VAT. Contact lise@myplusconsulting.com to purchase places.
MyPlus run a variety of these types of events for employers. For details of the different types visit our events page. For details of forthcoming Recruiters’ Club events taking place visit our events calendar page.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Wednesday 8th September 2021, 10.00am – 11.00am
What is neurodiversity? This term is increasingly being used to understand and capitalise on the cognitive diversity that exists among us. *HESA data from 2018/9 tells us that over 80,000 undergraduate students in the UK have a specific learning difficulty and over 10,000 identify with having a social communication or autism spectrum disorder.
How can you best support neurodivergent students as they transition from education to employment? It is important that careers advisers and academic support staff are able to confidently understand and be able to address the challenges that face them but also to enable them to understand how to capitalise on their talents and utilise them to increase their chances of successful employment
During this webinar, delegates will:
- Explore what neurodiversity is, and related terminology
- Discuss what talents are associated with neurodiversity
- Consider how to best prepare students for the next steps into employment
- Understand how to prepare students for the hiring process, gaining adjustments and the concept of disclosure.
By the end of the webinar, delegates will have the knowledge and confidence to understand the key concepts of supporting students with neurodivergent traits including those with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and Autism and provide practical tools that can be used to help prepare the students.
The workshop will be delivered by Amanda Kirby, CEO of Do-IT Solutions. Amanda is an emeritus professor at the University of South Wales; she has lectured to more than 100,000 individuals worldwide, written over 100 research papers, and become internationally recognized in the field of neurodiversity as both a clinician and researcher.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for 5 complimentary places at the webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50 + VAT. Please contact Emma Knox to book places at emma@myplusconsulting.com.
For non-members the cost to attend the webinar is £95 + VAT and we ask that you book via the 'Book Online' button below.
*Who's studying in HE?: Personal characteristics - Detailed Disability and Ethnicity Breakdown.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Thursday 15th July 2021, 10.00am – 11.00am
Whilst it is important to recognise the progress that is being made around disability and employment, it’s hard to ignore the fact that, for many of us, the subject of disability remains an uncomfortable one; we don’t always know what to say, what to do or how to act.
And it is this discomfort that is, in part, preventing us from accelerating our progress at the pace we would like to, and indeed need to, since it prevents us from engaging with a growing talent pool, making the appropriate adjustments during the recruitment process and sometimes even assessing individuals correctly. It’s now time to move on, address our concerns and start making real progress in this area.
During this webinar delegates will build their knowledge about what is appropriate in terms of language and behaviours; develop their confidence to engage in conversations about providing support; and explore what is and is not appropriate to ask during interviews.
The Webinar will be delivered in an interactive style and will provide the delegates with the opportunity to ask questions and challenge what they are learning.
- What is ‘disability’?
- What are we afraid of?
- Recognising our concerns
- Language and behaviours: what is appropriate
- Making adjustments: having the conversation
- Interviews: what can / cannot be asked
The webinar will be recorded and the recording will be available free to all Recruiters' Club and Universities' Club members to access and share within their organisations for 1 month following the live event.
MyPlus Webinars, like the workshops, are practical training sessions designed to up-skill those working in the disability space. With the convenience of being able to participate from wherever you are based, the aim is also to enable a wider audience to benefit from the expertise and resources of your MyPlus Universities' Club membership. Suitable as an introduction or a refresher, they are appropriate for anyone interested in the area of disability and are open to non-members to book.
MyPlus Universities’ Club members are entitled to 2 complimentary places at any 2 Recruiters’ club events. Additional places may be purchased at a reduced rate of £50 + VAT
Non-members may purchase places at a price of £95 + VAT. Contact lise@myplusconsulting.com to purchase places.
MyPlus run a variety of these types of events for employers. For details of the different types visit our events page. For details of forthcoming Recruiters’ Club events taking place visit our events calendar page.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Wednesday 6th July 2021, 10.00am – 11.00am
Over three quarters of disabled students would prefer not to share information about their disability with an employer. This reluctance is preventing them from requesting the support they require to compete in the recruitment process and, in some cases, stops them from applying altogether.Â
Based on research undertaken into ‘Openness’* this workshop will enable delegates to understand the concerns that disabled students have about disclosure and how these can best be addressed; recognise the benefits that come with being open (and the consequences of not); and enable them to advise students on when and how to inform an employer.
The webinar will:
- Highlight why employers ask about disability and how they use the information
- Provide insights into why students are so reluctant to be open about their disability
- Build understanding into the benefits of being open, and the consequences of not
- Enable delegates to confidently advise their students on whether to disclose, how and when
- Provide practical tools to use with students in preparing to disclose a disability
There will also be the opportunity to hear from students who will share their own personal insights regards being open with an employer about their disability.
The webinar will be delivered by Helen Cooke, CEO of MyPlus. It will provide the delegates with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss the key issues.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for five complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50. The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Wednesday 5th May 2021, 10.00am – 11.00am
Providing the expert careers guidance that students with disabilities require remains a challenging area for universities. In addition to engaging with disabled students and encouraging them to use the careers service, there are also challenges around guiding students on how to position their disability positively with an employer, accounting for differences on a CV and how to confidently request the support required during a recruitment process. There are also differences on opinions on whether specific careers event and workshops for those with disabilities are required, and how effective they are.
Some universities are making great headway in this space and this webinar provides the opportunity to hear from those universities and to allow others to learn from them. In addition to hearing about strategies and initiatives that have been effective, our speakers will also share how they went about it and what was critical to their success.
During this webinar, delegates will have the opportunity to:
- Learn how other universities successfully engage with students with disabilities.
- Hear how careers services work with other key stakeholders, including disability services
- Understand the critical success factors in providing support to students with disabilities
- Explore the effectiveness of different skills sessions and training events
This webinar will be delivered by Helen Cooke, CEO of MyPlus and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
Catherine Alexander
Catherine has been a Careers Adviser at Cambridge University Careers Service since 2008.  She works with undergraduates, postgraduates and alumni from those who are taking their first steps in working out what career path they might want to follow through the recruitment process to career changers further on in their careers.
As lead disability adviser at the Careers Service Catherine is passionate about advocating for, and supporting, students with disability, long term illness and mental health difficulties with the transition to work and from there to successfully navigate their careers.  She works closely with the Disability Resource Centre and Student Welfare representatives to understand and respond to student need.
Catherine’s earlier career was in the cultural sector, working for 15 years at the South Bank Centre and subsequently at Cambridge City Council Arts and Entertainments department before her own career change. She studied for her Diploma in Careers Education, Information and Guidance in Higher Education at Warwick University.
Lucy Crittenden
Lucy is Head of Career Services at Birkbeck, University of London, having previously managed Graduate Recruitment at a global law firm.  In her current role Lucy leads the careers provision for students and graduates at Birkbeck, supporting them to realise their career ambitions and make and take opportunities to fulfil their potential as innovators, practitioners, employees and entrepreneurs.
The University admits a much larger proportion of students with disabilities than the sector as a whole: over 23% of their full-time entrants in 2016/17 disclosed a disability compared with 13% in the sector (HESA 2017/18 data).   Lucy designed and implemented Birkbeck’s Ability Programme for students with a disability or long-term health condition. Working closely with the Disability & Dyslexia and Wellbeing Services, the programme comprises bespoke workshops, employer-led sessions, inspirational speakers and paid internships funded by the Ian Karten Trust.
Catherine Dove
Catherine is a final-year Modern Languages undergraduate at the St. Hilda’s College, University of Oxford. She contracted meningitis in her first term at university, which left her with a long-term disability – and a passion for disability inclusion and representation. It was this experience and drive to improve access and inclusion that she brought to her elected role as Disability, Health Conditions and Neurodiversity Officer for St. Hilda’s College in her second year, and to her voluntary commitment as a trained peer mentor for Meningitis Now.
Catherine has worked closely with the Oxford Careers Service throughout her degree to support her with her career goals in the Civil Service. She was selected to participate in Leonard Cheshire’s Change 100 programme in 2020, through which she spent three months as Communications and Engagement Assistant with Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Together with the advice she received from the Oxford Careers Service, Catherine used her own experience of seeking opportunities as a disabled student to write a guidance article for disabled and/or neurodiverse students seeking job opportunities for the first time, which was published in Tabou Magazine in September 2020.
Keren Coney
Keren Coney is a Careers Adviser at Liverpool John Moores University and Co-Chair of the AGCAS (Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services) Disability Task Group. She is co-author of AGCAS’ annual ‘What Happens Next?’ reports, which examine the destinations of UK disabled graduates. With a particular concern for disabled students and graduates and the challenges that exist when many of these individuals seek to enter and succeed in the workplace, Keren regularly speaks on this topic at conferences, events and training sessions. In addition, Keren is currently studying for a PhD that seeks to explore what can be done to support autistic students to successfully progress to employment when they graduate, based at the Autism Centre for Education and Research at The University of Birmingham.
Wherever you are in your disability agenda, this webinar will enable you to benefit from best practice and fuel you with fresh and insight to take away.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for five complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50. The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to all careers and employability staff whose remit includes supporting students with disabilities into employment.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Wednesday 24th February 2021, 10.00am – 11.00am
14% of students in UK Universities have a disability or long-term health condition, and this figure is set to increase. Careers advisers and academic support staff must be able to confidently understand and be able to address the challenges facing disabled students as they transition out of HE into employment so that they can compete effectively.
But what does ‘disability confident’ actually mean and what additional expertise is required to support this group into employment?
Based on research undertaken into ‘Openness’ and ‘How disabled students search for work’ this webinar will provide delegates with the opportunity to build their understanding of this talent pool enabling them to successfully support them as they search and apply for jobs and navigate the recruitment process.
The webinar will:
- Examine the employment landscape for students with disabilities.
- Outline the current challenges faced by both students with disabilities and how to address these
- Build understanding about the reluctance to disclose a disability and how to encourage this
- Explore the adjustments and support that employers can provide, and how to access this
This webinar will be delivered by Helen Cooke, CEO of MyPlus and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
By the end of the webinar, delegates will have the knowledge and capability to either get started on their journey to being disability confident or be able to progress their strategy to improve outcomes for students at their institution.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for five complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50. The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This webinar is ideal for those who are new to the area of disability as well as those who have been working in this area for a while and wish to consider some of the key issues from a fresh perspective.
Webinars are recorded and will be available for one month.

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Tuesday 8th December 2020, 10.30am – 11.30am
Applying for jobs is hard work and time consuming for everyone however add in a disability, lower grades or a lack of work experience and it can become even harder not least that it is difficult to know what information to share with an employer and how to do so.
Not surprisingly students fear that their disability or having lower grades will automatically result in them being rejected by an employer. However, genuine mitigating circumstances will be taken into consideration by an employer; what is key is knowing how to position them. By positioning differences on an application positively, it is possible for an applicant to stand out for the ‘right’ reasons and ensure that an offer of an interview is forthcoming.
This workshop will:
- Build understanding about the concerns students with disabilities have about job applications
- Highlight why employers ask about support requirements and mitigating circumstances
- Provide insights into the benefits of being open about mitigating circumstances, and the consequences of not
- Enable delegates to confidently advise their students on how to positively position mitigating circumstances
- Provide practical tools to use with students in preparing to disclose a disability
There will also be the opportunity to hear from employers and students who will provide insights and share their experiences.
The workshop will be delivered by Helen Cooke, Director of MyPlus. It will provide the delegates with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss the key issues. The format will also enable delegates to learn from others working in this challenging space.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for five complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50. The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate.
It was a very empowering workshop… For the first time in 20 years of my career, I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota; Employer Engagement,
Kings College London
Who should attend?
This workshop is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Tuesday 14th July 2020, 10.30am – 11.30am
To successfully support disabled students as they transition from education to employment, careers advisers and academic support staff must be able to confidently understand and be able to address the challenges that face them. But what does ‘disability confident’ actually mean and what additional expertise is required to support this group into employment?
During this webinar, we will explore the 5 pillars of disability confidence and challenge delegates to think about what this means for their institution and how they can get started on their journey. It will also provide insights into the disability and employment landscape and the challenges faced by both students and careers and placement advisers.
The webinar will:
- Examine the employment landscape for disabled students.
- Outline the current challenges faced by both students with disabilities and those tasked with supporting them into employment
- Explore the 5 key pillars of disability confidence
- Guide you as you plan for success
By the end of the webinar, delegates will have the knowledge and confidence to either get started on their journey to being disability confident or be able to progress the journey you are already on.
The webinar will be delivered by Helen Cooke, Director of MyPlus and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
We hope that you will be able to join us on July 14th. If you would like additional information and / or to book your place, please email Emma Knox, University Partnerships’ Manager at MyPlus.
It was a very empowering workshop…. For the first time in 20 years of my career I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota, Employer Engagement, Kings College London
Who should attend?
This workshop is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for two complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50. The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate.
Webinars are recorded and can be accessed for 6 months

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Wednesday 9th September 2020, 10.30am – 11.30am
14% of students in UK universities have a disability; this figure will continue to increase. In order to support all students as they transition from education into employment, Careers Advisers and Employability Teams must understand the specific challenges facing disabled students and help them to overcome these.
This webinar will provide delegates with the opportunity to build their understanding about this talent pool enabling them to successfully support them as they search for jobs, make their application and navigate the recruitment process. In addition, it will provide insights into how employers support students with disabilities during the recruitment process.
The webinar will:
- Highlight the current challenges faced by disabled students seeking employment
- Enable delegates to confidently advise their students on how to positively position their disability
- Build understanding about how employers support students through the recruitment process
- Provide practical tools to use with students in preparing to disclose a disability
By the end of the webinar, delegates will have the knowledge and confidence to better guide and support their disabled students towards their future career.
The webinar will be delivered by Helen Cooke, Director of MyPlus and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
We hope that you will be able to join us on September 9th. If you would like additional information and / or to book your place, please email Emma Knox, University Partnerships’ Manager at MyPlus.
It was a very empowering workshop…. For the first time in 20 years of my career I heard the voice of someone who spoke about disability without any inhibitions.
– Parm Sahota, Employer Engagement, Kings College London
Who should attend?
This workshop is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for two complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50. The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate.
Webinars are recorded and can be accessed for 6 months

A webinar hosted by MyPlus
Thursday 30th April 2020, 10.30am – 11.30am
Recruitment processes are designed to be challenging and competitive, however for those with a disability they can be impossible if appropriate support and adjustments are not put in place. Not surprisingly, however, asking for this support is challenging; but if students don’t request it, they will continue to be rejected for roles that they are more than capable of doing.
During this webinar you will:
- Understand why students with disabilities are often rejected for roles which they are more than capable of doing, and what you can do to mitigate this and provide support
- Build knowledge and an understanding of the wide variety of support and adjustments that employers can and do provide for students
- Provide insights into how the adjustment process works
- Enable delegates to confidently advise their students on how and when to request support during the recruitment process
- Provide practical tools to support students during the application process
The webinar will be delivered by Helen Cooke, CEO of MyPlus and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
We hope that you will be able to join us on April 30th. If you would like additional information please email Emma Knox, University Partnerships’ Manager at MyPlus.
Helen’s session offered insightful knowledge borne from her wide experience of engaging with employers that will certainly add to the skills and advice of practitioners and student advisors in further and higher education.
– Ian Carter, Director, National Associate of Disability Practitioners
Who should attend?
This workshop is relevant to all university staff who support students applying for jobs, internships and placements and who want to build their understanding of the challenges facing disabled students in relation to employment and their ability to provide guidance.
Members of the MyPlus Universities’ Club are eligible for two complimentary places at our webinar and the cost of additional places for members to attend is £50
The cost for non-members to attend is £95 per delegate.