The Toolkit – International

The Toolkit: Be disability confident on campus

The MyPlus Disability Confidence on Campus Toolkit provides information, resources and guidance to University staff who are supporting students with disabilities as they search for placements, internships and graduate roles.

The Toolkit highlights the specific challenges facing students with disabilities as they transition from education into employment and enables you to be in a strong position to support them with accurate information, resources and advice.

The staff training webinar will enable you to build your expertise to provide the specialist careers advice that these students require.

The Conversation Cards and Student Skills Sessions will enable you to work with your students to help them to address the challenges they face and build their confidence to successfully manage their disability during the recruitment process.

The wealth of practical advice and resources contained in the Toolkit will enable you to expertly advise your students with disabilities about careers, thus increasing the chances of ALL your students successfully gaining meaningful employment upon graduation.

"After attending Helen’s Disability Confident sessions, I quickly identified that the Disability Confident Toolkit was the missing link in preparing our students for their transition to employment."

Vicki Walsh; Business Leader, Uniting Employment Services & School Leaver Employment Supports



To find out more about our Be Disability Confident on Campus Toolkit, please contact Helen Cooke, CEO and Founder of MyPlus, at: