Requesting adjustments: Accessing disability support during the recruitment process 10th October



"I found the webinar thoroughly interesting and informative, it being suitable for both new and experienced academics and careers staff. It was an opportunity to refresh and reflect upon existing knowledge and understanding of such an important subject matter." Ceri, Employability and Placements Office, University of Leeds

Recruitment processes are designed to be challenging and competitive, however for those with a disability they can be impossible if appropriate support and adjustments are not put in place. Not surprisingly, however, asking for this support is challenging.

In addition to fearing the judgements that will be made when disclosing their disability, students are also unsure what support they can request, when they should request it and whether it will be considered to be ‘reasonable’.

The workshop will enable delegates to advise students on accessing the support they require by:

- Highlighting the wide variety of support and adjustments that employers can provide

-Providing insights into how the adjustment process works

-Enabling delegates to confidently advise their students to request the support they need

-Providing practical tools to support students during the application process

This webinar will be delivered by Helen Cooke, CEO and Founder of MyPlus; it will be run as an interactive event and provide the opportunity for discussion, questions and sharing best practice. This webinar is free to attend. Please note this webinar will not be recorded, and the presentation will not be circulated.

This webinar is taking place on Thursday 10th October; 9.30am to 10.45am. 

Who should attend?

This webinar is ideal for anyone working in careers and employability who is keen to build their expertise to provide the specialist careers advice that students require to enable them to overcome the additional challenges that having a disability can bring to the job hunting and recruitment process.

I thought your multi-layered approach to ways in which sharing (disclosing) may be helpful gave reassurance whilst also recognising that this can be a complex matter.

Claire, University of York